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Please consider turning it on! Remember Me. Aster Bunnymund, Nicholas St. One-shot turned monster.

He needed clear boundaries before he lost himself completely. A new emotion welled up inside of him when he watched his bunny smile warmly, not just with his mouth, but with his eyes, as he gently guided him in a steady rhythm against his hot flesh. Black long sleeve lace insert high leg cupped body measurements He wanted to melt into his lover and become one. Size 6.

Vignettes of events to follow. The group has enough of the boys’ constant fighting and hatches a plan to relieve some tensions I originally posted this story to FFnet, so if you’ve seen this before that would be why.

While this chapter is not particularly explicit, the others most definitely are. All of my Code Stories will be posted to this one ‘story’ like I wish they were elsewhere.

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North slid a tired hand down his face. Casting his gaze knowingly over to an extremely flustered Tooth Fairy and a helpless looking Sandman, he was finally able to catch the other two guardians’ eyes and signal a private meeting.

With an infinitesimal jerk of his head he beckoned the two to follow him out of the middle of the war-zone and into the comfort and quiet of the hall outside his workshop.

The trio still winced when shouting penetrated the solid, stain-glassed doors. An outraged silence filled the air, stifling all listeners almost as much as the argument had.

The group of Guardians was coming down off of the adrenaline rush that had been the Easter season fiasco, and the easy comradery that had held the group together for the crisis was disintegrating.

Well, the group was still fine, but tensions between Jack and Aster were rising at a frankly alarming rate. The situation had reached critical mass the evening before, when the group had been meeting to share a meal and report any potential revival of the Nightmare King, and to finally decide on the all-clear.

Tooth had been smiling at Jack, apologizing to the frost spirit again for her fairies’ shameful behavior when Aster had just exploded. If ya can’ handle your stupid crush, then just get out!

Yer just making things worse. You make ever’thing worse! The group had stared at him, flabbergasted. Arguments between the two guardians usually stemmed from prodding and verbal poking on Jack’s side, but this had been out of nowhere.

Tooth had to cover her face to hide her shamed blush, and the frost spirit’s expression had paled even further as he opened and closed his mouth a few times when he tried and failed to come up with a retort.

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The rabbit hadn’t so much as twitched when Jack’s bright eyes filled with water and froze to his lashes when he blinked it away. He just crossed his muscular arms tighter across his chest and watched the young man dart from the table and shoot out the window on a swift wind.

Reluctantly, the group had decided to go ahead with their plans to truly celebrate their victory the next day; they didn’t have the whole group present to reschedule.

Unfortunately, only a few moments into the festivities the banter had crumbled into fighting and accusations between the sprite and rabbit.

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North was baffled. Aster had really seemed to be coming around and warming towards Jack, especially after their final encounter with Pitch when he learned that the young spirit had helped the last child believe in him.

But as soon as a semblance of normality had returned the rabbit had closed off again, not just towards Jack, but to all of them.

He had been gradually more moody and hateful and morose. Now, out in the hallway, forced out of his own workshop, North turned to his other comrades.

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Sandman nodded vigorously in agreement, and turned to Tooth in confusion. A broken egg and a question mark formed over his head, followed by a sandy version of Jack’s face growing fangs.

Tooth smiled sadly. I think this is something else…”. Both men looked at her expectantly, waiting for answers, but she just replied with round eyes and a shrug.

11.01.2020 – One member of each couple never said a word and seemed to be very submissive to the other. A click starts it and then the whirring sound of an electric motor running. Their skin was too much separation. Before any comment could be forthcoming he turned and grabbed his boomerang from the ground where he had let it fall.

I’m not some sort of emotion guru. I just collect teeth. The door flew open with a crash and the Australian strode furiously out to join his friends.

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His dark, cloudy eyes killed any scolding or comments in the others’ throats. He cast his black glare at the group and crossed his arms again defensively.

Call me if ya need me,” he growled and stomped his foot twice on the floorboards, opening a rabbit hole and dropping down into it to disappear.

Something is going on and it needs to be resolved.

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Clear the air, if you will. Tooth brightened.

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North, you’re a genius! Again, the men cast their puzzled expressions in her direction. If she hadn’t been so enthusiastic, she would have rolled her eyes at them.

Sandman gave her a confused look and ran a finger across his throat, adding a question mark over his head.

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North nodded vigorously. Tooth smiled her perfect grin. Believe in them! Now all we have to do is get them in a safe place. Any ideas? Slightly pacified, the men calmed down and helped Tooth make plans for their new scheme, code named Jackrabbit.

An irritated Easter Bunny and a sullen frost spirit sat on the grassy floor of Tooth’s palace, pointedly not looking at each other.

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Tooth pouted. Neither of them was very attractive with scowls. And they were usually so handsome.

Just as he was seriously considering stripping off his weapons to jump into the swirling water a pale head bobbed back to the surface, icy blue eyes wide. Dresses for Women, Mini Club Dresses different sizes, designs, cuts Grumbling to silence his hammering heart, the pooka snatched up Jack’s staff and walked to the nearest edge of where Jack had surfaced.

She hovered between North and Sandy, waiting on one of the two men to take the lead. North stepped up. Bunnymund’s ears perked expectantly and Jack floated to his feet, gripping his staff firmly.

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Tooth tried to hide her nervousness by flitting around the air and dropping behind the two fighting friends. Sandman looked on as expectantly as the two they were deceiving.

North cleared his throat. He was out of practice with lying. That wasn’t a lie, technically. Now was the important part. He turned to the expectant males awaiting an order.

I want you both to back each other up. Tooth fluttered from her hiding place behind the boys and dropped in front of the two fighting comrades, handing them both a small glass of clear liquid.

Water from my pool,” she explained and blushed when both guardians immediately swallowed back the contents of the containers. She hadn’t expected to deceive them so easily.

She pivoted to hide her face and broke the initial recess in action. All guardians immediately disappeared in different directions, each taking their favorite mode of transportation.

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A few minutes later three of the five rejoined at the pool. Sandy crossed his small arms over his chest and shot Tooth a meaningful look.

North mirrored him, and added verbally, “Spill it, Tooth. We know you did not give them water. The fairy blushed scarlet.

I was afraid those two might need…a little push? Tooth cast a pleading gaze to the sandman, but he was openly curious. The girl sighed and covered her eyes with a dainty palm.

Sandy’s jaw dropped, exclamation marks shooting over his head. North audibly gasped. There’s a reason he isn’t a guardian! He meddles! At the scolding the tooth fairy decided to cross her arms defensively.

A tense moment passed between the three scheming friends. None were sure what to do about their situation.

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They had just sent two comrades off on a detour half-way around the world to one of the few places on earth that they wouldn’t be able to use their powers, to basically fight it out, and now they were drugged, too.

North finally caved, letting out a long breath, “Well friends, all we can do now is wait. Bunnymund and Jack Frost surfaced about a half mile from the falls.

The winter spirit had been forced to rely upon the rabbit’s transport once they hit hot climates.

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He didn’t get on well with the warm winds. The pooka rolled hateful eyes in the boy’s direction.