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Words start inking the pages on their own and Emma discovers secrets she was never meant to know. What will she do with this information and how can she convince the writer of her true intentions?

Emma is bribed into cleaning the apartment with Mary Margaret and finds a journal. This is the first fanfiction that I’ve written. I’m not sure if I’ll continue writing it, so if anything, it’s a comical one-shot.

Let me know if it made you giggle and I may keep going!

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Who hurts themselves while eating a donut? She was trying to take a mental break from the mountain of reports Regina assigned to her.

Emma kicked her feet onto her desk, letting a pile of papers scatter to the floor, and allowed her thoughts to drift back to her discovery the night before.

A slew of explicative flew from her lips and the sheriff gingerly rubbed the injured knee, only looking up when she heard the sound of familiar heels approach. Blush long sleeve lace insert high leg cupped body crossword A scruffy pegasus waited for her at the edge of the field. I would love to see you again, but, I was actually serious about the project.

Emma had agreed to help Mary Margaret clean out the loft that morning, grumbling only slightly before discovering there were coffee and breakfast waiting as she descended the stairs.

Mary Margaret greeted her with a smile and a cup of strong, piping-hot coffee. Emma walked over to her with a grin, enjoying the sweet aroma of pancakes and syrup.

She was lucky if she did laundry once a week. The sniff test counts, right? Now hand over those pancakes, Mrs. Emma ate her pancakes and quickly downed the strong coffee, immediately regretting promising to help her mother.

She walked up the stairs and started emptying the closet. Soon the bed was covered in miscellaneous items accumulated during the cursed years: outdated books, mothball-smelling quilts, and enough boxes to build the coolest fort for her and Henry to hide in.

Separating the loose piles of stuff into keep, donate, and garbage, she was finally down to just the boxes. Y-yeah, Mom!

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No biggie! Everything was not fine. Apparently, during the cursed years, her mother had decided to collect a pretty suspect porn collection.

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Emma tip-toed over to the corner as if concerned it would disturb the contents of the box. Lifting the box onto the bed, Emma sifted through the items.

Princesses Gone Wild. Ganged by the Dwarfs. Beauty and the Dildo. At the bottom, she found a red, leather-bound journal. Emma was determined to expedite this twisted treasure hunt and find herself a stiff drink.

Several hours later, Emma was laying in her bed, sipping her 4 th Jack and Coke. The journal laid next to her, a menacing presence of the unknown surrounding it.

I mightaswell get it over with.

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With slightly blurred vision, she found and opened to the first page, but was hit with a familiar scent instead of words. A mixture of clove, spices, and something else?

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Emma closed her eyes and breathed deep, her buzz making the smell coming from the pages feel like an all-enveloping blanket.

As she opened her eyes, she noticed small scribbles making their way onto the pages by themselves. Retrieving her reading glasses from the side table, she began to read.

I am perfectly capable of handling my magic on my own and without the use of this insufferable journal. But, I promised Henry that I would change and I plan to do just that.

It pains me to see him get on the bus each day without me. Henry is mine, I raised him. Regardless of how attractive she looks in that damn red leather jacket, she has no right.

Just friends.

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This journal entry has gone on far enough, I have actual work to finish. I’m so glad the first chapter was received so well! As a thank you, this chapter is over twice the size of the first one.

Her mouth pinched together in a tight little scowl, pink slip of a tail lashing behind her. Dresses for Women, Mini Club Dresses different sizes, designs, cuts Twist breathed on her lenses, wiped them off, and put them on again.

Lemme know what you think! To hell if she was going to hit that stupid table leg again. My name is Emma. Say it with me Em-ma. I gave you two budget reports and a simple expense form to fill out and you hand me this?

Where is the rest of it?

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Calvin and Hobbes are the shit. The day passed slowly as she finished typing up the last of the reports.

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On more than one occasion, she had been tempted to write nefarious things in the margins, just to get a rise out of Regina. Last week, Emma caught him referring to Regina as the Evil Queen and promptly corrected it.

Unfortunately, it led a ten-minute yelling match loud enough to wake up sleeping beauty. Needless to say, Henry lost his gaming privileges and Emma was left with a headache from hell.

Typing a period on the last page, Emma printed off the paperwork and separated the different reports into envelopes. Unceremoniously plopping down inside, she cranked the older car on and slid her favorite CD inside the console.

07.02.2020 – Dad told me most of the roads end up leading to town hall and you know where that is, right? She just got here from Manehattan. Clarke returned, and she had put her bra and underwear back on. Silver Spoon took one last glance behind her, then turned to the road ahead.

Emma grunted and reached behind the passenger seat for her aux cable. Regina was suffering from one of the many migraines that had plagued her since the curse broke, and when she heard the faint sound of music, she went to the window ready to raise hell.

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A small smile spread across her face as she remembered the time she walked in on Emma dancing at the station. Black and red stilettos strode down the hallway to the main office and stopped just short before entering.

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Jaw dropped and eyes wide, Regina took in the scene before her. This music was very strange to her. Regina found herself getting warmer and slightly short of breath.

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Freezing mid squat, Emma turned around with an embarrassed look on her face. Regina had to bite the inside of her cheek to keep from smiling but was unable to keep the husky tone out of her voice.

I bet my paycheck you have Def Leppard on that iPod Henry gave you! Regina laid with her feet on the couch to the side of her desk, hands cradling her head as she winced in pain.

Almost done with the day, just 15 more minutes, she thought. Attempting to rise to her feet, she was overcome with a wave of dizziness and fell back to the couch.

Maybe you should take a couple days off and relax. So, I figured I would grace her with my excellent typist skills.

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No hieroglyphs, I promise. Emma was all but skipping back to her car after the encounter. Did Regina almost call her by her first name?

Did she imagine it? This felt like a huge step in the right direction for repairing some of the damage.

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She dropped down into the bucket seat and started driving back to the loft, excited for what kind of journal entry she would find tonight.

For the second night in a row, Emma laid in her bed with a glass of Jack and Coke and the journal beside her. She mused and took a sip.

My leg hair was growing faster than you were writing, shit.

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Maybe Miss Swan was right, perhaps I do need a break. I must admit though, writing her name is this journal brings a smile to my face. I miss waking up and making his favorite breakfast.

The nightmares continue to occur and I suspect they are the culprit for these migraines.

I know we got off to a rough start and as I said before we should go into this with both eyes wide open, but I want to get your take on this. Blush long sleeve lace insert high leg cupped body crossword Our extensive collection of new lingerie also includes the perfect accessories for giving you a sleek and polished look from head to toe. How in the hell did she use to run after the kid?

Though, the nap I took when I returned home tonight did not include a nightmare. Quite the opposite, actually. In the dream, Emma walked into my office with the envelopes as she did this afternoon.

I was sitting behind my desk typing on the computer with my glasses on. She slowly walked over to my desk and sat on the edge.

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We were making small talk about Henry and the town when she took one of my hands in hers. Running her thumb over my knuckles, she told me I looked beautiful.