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It’s 2nd January,and things are about to get interesting in regards to the Order of the Phoenix, the Underground, and Hogwarts. I almost forgot to start posting this because I’ve been busy clearing out clutter so I can work in this room again.

This is a much longer project than I realized it would be. Beta reading performed by sanerontheinside and mrsstanley, both of Tumblr fame and not-fame!

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Cheerleading done by norcumi and jabberwockeypie. Voracious over-the-server reading ahead on the fic like a word-vacuuming addict performed by the mate, drougnor.

Thank you all for the awesome, kind words and comments on all of Of a Linear Circle to date.

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It means a lot to me. See the end of the work for more notes and other works inspired by this one. Severus awakens far too early on the morning of the second.

As that also has been rare of late, he gets up, pulls on a dressing gown, and wanders through the flat in a vain quest to find Nizar. Kanza is in front of the fireplace, curled up in a dozing sulk that aptly portrays her opinion of the current weather.

Outside, then. Severus slides open the door for the balcony and steps out onto the railing in his bare feet, hissing in a breath at the contact with icy metal.

Nizar lowers the long blade from what looks like legitimate sparring exercises when facing an opponent armed similarly.

It ought to be full to-day. Were you all right? Lilac lace insert high leg cupped body que But…was that a bad thing?

Of course I brought it. What if I had the opportunity to put a matching hole on the opposite side and was daft enough to leave the seax at home?

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This, or going for a run. My running at midnight confused the hell out of the centaurs in the Forbidden Forest until they decided I was just insane.

You probably climb the bloody castle walls. Nizar pauses with his foot on the first step for the circular stairwell. His clothes are steaming in the chill air.

Nizar shakes his head. I told you—that was more like Pensife memory-viewing than reliving an actual memory. Not that.

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Why are you awake? Severus thinks on it. Severus goes back into the flat after Nizar, heading straight back to their bedroom. The cards are still in the bag; he brings the entire deck back with him to the kitchen and leaves them on the counter while brewing tea.

He never took Divination in Hogwarts, not given their instructor at the time. Bugger it all. After he has tea, he draws three cards from the deck and places them on the table.

Club Moss. Guinea Pepper. Delicious on food, but brewed in potions for curses. The long-sleeve black shirt and deep indigo denims are distinctive after months of silk, preceded by years of green silk-blended wool.

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Nizar shrugs. I might as well attempt to get used to this. In answer, Severus slides the three cards across the table. All that remains is waiting to find out why, where, and who.

As if summoned, a weasel Patronus slinks in through the kitchen wall and opens his mouth.

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Meeting in the usual place in one hour. Grab the umbrella next to it, too. Nizar grins. The portrait reaches out with her magic and shuts the curtains again.

What did you do to Dominick Bole? Severus frowns as he re-runs the words through his head at a slower speed. Dear God, do I even want to know what you did to that man?

Someone else who speaks Castellano!

28.01.2020 – He then sat by the fire, letting the heat evaporate the water off his scales and dry him off. Salazar nods, brow furrowed with remembered anguish. In fact, she purposefully positioned herself and Star like they were.

Nizar rolls his eyes. Like I did. Severus approves of it for being sensible enough to have pockets, a hood to repel the rain, and for being loose and long enough to mimic a knee-length black robe.

And you, Severus. Charlie Weasley comes downstairs with a baffled expression. Did you lot know that there is a Death Eater bloke running around in the public garden across the road, screaming and clutching at his bollocks?

Charlie blanches stark white except for his freckles.


Given the reactions from those who understand Spanish, he no longer wants to know what that spell does. Nizar glances at Severus.

Lupin looks surprised.

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He wonders when Lupin and Mulciber last exchanged words. He fought the spell, touching a random globe of prophecy instead of the one Voldemort sought.

The effects were the same, regardless. Albus gives Black a look that is equal parts sympathetic and quelling. When no attack came, the guard was removed.

He got caught. Cited Ministry guidelines about those who belong in the Department of Mysteries and all that codswallop. His caretakers, seeing his improvement, encouraged him to care for the disguised plant.

Annie looked to Turquoise and smiled gently at him. Lilac lace insert high leg cupped body que But on a sudden impulse he turned left along the road running by the prison. Like a director, I blocked and re-blocked the scene over and over, imagining every possible pitfall.

No one found his body until morning rounds. Lupin perks up from his usual slump. Severus feels his eyes sliding over to the man, who, for once, has asked an intelligent question.

Or did you ignore the one that came in on Christmas Day merely because it was a holiday? My timing is excellent.

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And its correct name is Multa Facies Sucus, by the way. This island and its terrible fucking Latin can drive a man to drink.

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Then the damned twinkling makes a resurgence. Do we? Salazar puts the watch away into the pocket of a waistcoat that suddenly has quite a bit of slack in the middle.

Salazar gives Nizar an offended look.

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There is a heavy silence for a moment before Minerva speaks again. Nizar eyes her. Salazar rolls his eyes.

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Minerva gives Nizar a look of complete disapproval. Do you have a real title? Alastor stares at Salazar for another minute before grunting.

Having four of you about might make this war be a mite more efficient. Salazar blinks a few times before he looks at Nizar. Funny how students who can effectively cast spells and defend themselves make up for quite a bit.

Salazar glances at Dedalus. Andromeda crosses her arms.

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Something about, oh… Britanni Bellum dux Magum. Nizar groans and slumps over with his face resting on the tabletop. Do you know how messy it is when that happens?

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Do you know that since the Ministry made necromancy illegal, there is no one on this fucking island trained to clean up the mess afterwards?

Nizar glares at Black. Salazar rests his chin on his hand and grins at his brother.