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Our New Life A husband reveals his desire to crossdress and is met with unexpected enthusiasm from his wife. I am eighteen and I was visiting my Aunt Nancy in Florida.

02.03.2020 – I was looking forward to seeing the girls from there. Once Mistress got the car moving other new sensations became obvious. I think I gave you prescriptions for everything that requires one.

That’s H. Here is your boarding pass and seat assignment,” she said as she passed me my tickets and smiled. This is a print version of story Our New Life by klammer from xHamster.

Drought I was halfway between sleep and fully awake effort to breathe. It is being done for me. I can hear a mechanical sound that coincides with every breath I take in.

A click starts it and then the whirring sound of an electric motor running. The first few times I awoke to this sound I went through a period of confusion and it still affects me that way but to a lesser degree.

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I know the sound is the motor operating the bellows of the Iron Lung I am locked inside. The feel of the leather straps holding my arms and legs tightly to the cot inside the steel chamber and the tight collar surrounding my neck only reinforce what I already know.

I can also feel the collar pull away from my chin when the bellows draws the air out of the chamber and causes air to rush into my lungs.

I finally open my eyes and there is no surprise that all I can see is the ceiling and the end of the steel chamber that holds my body with only my head protruding through the collar that provides the airtight seal so the lung can breathe for me.

I turn my head to the right and see Renee right beside me.

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She is looking at me and I can tell by her expression that her Milking Pants are functioning also. I watch a moment as the collar rises and falls around her neck as the pressure in the chamber rises and falls.

As soon as the machine reaches another exhalation cycle she replies, “Good Morning Teresa, I love you”. I try to reach out and touch her but the leather straps hold my arm tight.

We sleep in an Iron Lung almost every night but it is still a bit of a surprise every morning when I wake up and realize I am locked in this steel prison.

I don’t understand why this is the one thing I have so much trouble accepting because our bodies, or some part of them, are always locked in some sort of prison, be it steel, fiberglass, plastic, leather, heavy boned fabric or some combination of the above.

Our bodies are not our own any more. We belong to our Mistresses to do with as they desires and their desires are bizarre and varied.

Their total possession and control of our bodies is never more overwhelming than when we are being milked and that process is proceeding at an increased pace now.

The suction is pulling my breasts and genitals into their chambers more quickly now and with more force. It is no longer just a gentle tug but a rapid and strong force that immediately slams and holds them against the rigid walls as the electricity flows through in strong and vibrating waves that cause my body to arch and lift off the cot and only the heavy leather straps keep me firmly tied to the cot inside the steel chamber.

The Iron Lung continues to force air into my lungs as the muscles in my chest and groin tense uncontrollably. At first the cycles between my breasts and cock and balls lengthened stimulating each for a longer time before switching to the other and the strength of the stimulation grew gradually stronger.

But now they are both running simultaneously at full strength, my whole body is locked in their electricity’s embrace.

The vibrators on my cock and in the butt plug are running full strength and my whole pelvis is locked in their vibrating grip.

My eyes are locked on Renee and hers on mine.

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We are both about to cum together but strapped to a cot in a steel chamber instead of in each others arms as we so fervently desire.

We are never allowed to touch each other except when ordered to do so by our Mistresses. When they do allow us to touch it is always for their convenience or to heighten the terrible frustration we feel.

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They strap and lock us together for long periods but it is always only to increase our yearning for each other. We have spent nights with our bodies strapped together and our cocks in each others mouths but our Mistresses have done it in such a way that neither of us receive any satisfaction and only crave each other more.

The first orgasm has built within to where I feel as if I am about to explode. The seed deep within me feels gigantic as it begins to force its way through my cock.

It felt like it may be made of a heavy rubber and was cold against my skin. White long sleeve lace insert high leg cupped body parts This shot was just straight sex, Mirai’s tiny body impaled on Yagyu’s fat cock, the white haired darling plowing into her lover.

It feels as if my cock is many feet long as my seed is being dragged from me and the forces behind it are growing stronger and stronger.

I have been on the very brink of orgasm forever and there is nothing I can do to bring it to completion as Mistress controls me through her machines.

I can only talk when the Iron Lung is pushing air into the chamber holding my body and forcing air out of my lungs. On the next cycle I murmur, “Renee, cum with me my darling.

Only with you lover. My Milking Pants suck my semen from me and whisk it away through the tube connecting them to the vacuum pump that powers Renee’s and mine.

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In only a few minutes I feel the gentle suction pulling my breasts into their domes as we start again from the beginning. I wonder how many times they will force us to ejaculate this morning.

This is only way we have been allowed to ejaculate in a little over two years. It is the only way I can achieve an erection or ejaculate due to the Estrogen I have been taking for those two years.

Today is to be my last milking.

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I go in for surgery this morning. Everything or the last two years has been aimed at this surgery that awaits me. After my surgery I will be able to make love to Renee the way we have dreamed of for these last two years, if only our Mistresses will allow it.

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That’s right, two years. The last two years has been the realization of dreams that have been a major force in my life as long as I can remember.

It is a life made up entirely of feelings, both physical and emotional, that are the result of the total control they exercises not only over our bodies but also of everything we do every minute of every day.

Renee has been a part of my life from the very beginning of this two years and neither she nor I know if it was an accident or was part of our Mistresses plans from the beginning.

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It is an unusual arrangement but in many ways neither of us have ever been happier and what more can any two people ask of life than mutual happiness.

We are always encased in some sort of personal prison, a locked chastity device of one type or other encloses our genitals at all times.

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Except when we am entombed in our Iron Lungs or bathing we always am encased in some combination of tight corsets and braces or other ingenious device our Mistresses have designed and had constructed to assure we am totally under their control.

I should also mention that we are always dressed as women and I have what I feel are the most beautiful pair of 42DD breasts imaginable.

Renee is larger than I and her breasts are 44DDs and are magnificent. As long as I can remember I have been fascinated by anything that enclosed or limited and controlled the human body, particularly my body.

I had always dreamed of what it would feel like to wear a suit of armor, space suit, diving suit, leg or back braces, corsets, girdles, bras, etc.

I had even wished I would get Polio and have to be put in an Iron Lung and then have to use leg braces.

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I used to sneak into my mother’s things and put on her girdles and bras. I made leg braces from my Erector Set and I devoured any pictures I could find of braces, armor and diving suits or pilot’s pressure suits and space suits.

I also discovered that I had pretty strong transvestite tendencies.

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I loved to dress as a girl and the sight of breasts on my chest sent shivers all up and down me. I didn’t want to be a girl.

I just wanted to look like one and feel the weight of breasts on my chest and look down and see them on me.

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Padding to swell out my hips and buttocks sent similar chills all through me and of course a very pronounced swelling of the cock that I massaged as I fondled the breasts I longed so to be real.

I managed to hide these feelings fairly well and then in college I injured my back in a fall while rock climbing and the doctor prescribed a rigid back brace and then an orthopedic corset.

My dream had come true and I was never without a brace and corset again.

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I didn’t wear them all the time but my back was always “acting up again” and I would wear the brace or corset for a while until I got a little tired of the tightness and chaffing and would put them away until the urge hit again.

I completed college with a degree in engineering and married the girl I met in college.

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We were both engineers and soon both had good jobs and were on the way to what most consider the good life. We spent 30 years chasing the “good life” and enjoyed the benefits that came with it but something was missing for us.

We played around with bondage quite a bit and I even dressed in a corset and a bra a few times for our love making and it seemed to be alright with her but it wasn’t near the turn-on for her as for me.

We joked about the fact that I was definitely the submissive but she didn’t seem to be interested in being the Dom. She never does anything halfway and now I’m sure that was the problem.

She would have to be totally the Dom or not at all.

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Everything changed about three years ago. I had a heart attack. I had total cardiac arrest 8 times and they all thought I wouldn’t make it but I did survive and surprisingly was left with little heart damage but was left with arrhythmia problems.

The doctors tried all the medications but eventually had to implant an Automatic Implanted Cardiac Defibrillator AICD to assure my heart would continue it’s normal rhythm.

It worked and still works great but the doctors strongly recommended that I not return to work.

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We discussed it and decided that not only would I retire but she would also. We would have a house built on the acres we had purchased in the mountains a couple of hundred miles north of Los Angeles and move up there.

We had enough saved and invested that neither of us would ever have to work again and we could start working on what would make us truly happy.

I thought I knew what I wanted and I know now that she definitely knew what she wanted and was just waiting for me to broach the subject.

We had enough saved and invested that neither of us would ever have to work again and we could start working on what would make us truly happy. From about three months ago, but I can call around to some old acquaintances and find out if they have heard anything. White long sleeve lace insert high leg cupped body parts I’m going to fuck your ass so hard and cum in it so much, that cum is going to be leaking out of it for days as it gapes open, you’ll be so loose by the time I’m done with you that I’ll be able to stick my hand in you without lube.

A couple of days after we decided to retire and move I finally got up the nerve to tell her what was on my mind. I started by telling her how much I wanted to dress as a woman.

She surprised me by replying that she knew that and had only been waiting for me to tell her my secret. We discussed it for a while and she said she didn’t have any problems with it but did I actually want to be a woman.

I told her that I didn’t but I did want to have real breasts and at least try living full time as a woman. She said that I had better make up my mind because it would be hard to live as a man with breasts.

She had a good point there and I told her that I was sure I wanted to live as a woman from there on.

I slide down and sat on the floor of the shower. Dresses for Women, Mini Club Dresses different sizes, designs, cuts I asked what types of devices and apparatus she was referring to but she wouldn’t tell me.

She smiled and said that was fine with her but she had a few conditions. Her conditions surprised me and made me realize she had actually been planning this for quite a while and had done a lot of research.